
Clients or Friends

You can have both, but there’s a difference between the two. Friendships can lead to clients, but that can also end up ruining your friendship if things go to shit. Clients can lead to friendships, but again…you can fuck up a client relationship if you do something wrong and you’re being perceived as a friend. […]

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Falling Feels Life Flying

“Until you hit the ground” — that’s a lyric from a Chris Stapleton song that has resonated with me for a long time. It captures the experience of riding the high, only to come crashing down. Life comes in waves, and I’ve definitely experienced the near euphoric highs followed by the lows a couple of

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Before the Sun

The rays of sunlight begin peaking over the eastern horizon, casting shadows across the highway on a still summer morning. Off to his left he can see the dew and low lying fog in the pastures between the hills. He’s tried to capture those moments on camera, but they’re best experienced first hand. Even though

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Enjoy the Journey, Not the Destination

One of the core concepts that I keep circling back to when I contemplate the meaning of The Roadtrip to Nowhere is the importance of appreciating the journey rather than fixating on the destination. As someone who’s living paycheck to paycheck, constantly moving from one small town to another, it’s easy for things to become

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A Toast to SBA, the Impermanence of Life, and the Value of EFT

Yesterday, the #EFT community received devastating news of the loss of one of its most authentic supporters. The shock and deep sadness that washed over me, and I know I’m not alone, upon learning that @SadBillAckman is no longer with us was overwhelming. In honor of the good times he brought us all, my immediate

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What’s on my Kindle? Reading List for May 2023

Why I’m Sharing my Reading List This post contains affiliate links that we might get a scant smidgen of benefit from if you purchase anything off our list. We’ll use that money wisely, to buy more books…or something fun. I’ve shared a few reading lists previously, so it should come as no surprise that I

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Developing Curiosity – Thinking Like a Landman Can Change Your Life

One of the most important aspects of being a landman (an actual landman, not one of the cold callers for a mineral buying company that just calls themselves a landman) is our problem-solving approach. The analytical way in which a landman learns to gather information is similar to the now-defunct profession of investigative journalism. When

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Scratching the Surface – Working as a Surface Landman

In the pie chart of different landmen, most of the pie is taken up by field landmen. The guys out there buying leases, building runsheets, and generally keeping things moving have always been the greatest proportion of landmen. Next up you’ve got your in house landmen. They think they’re “the only landmen” a lot of

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Life on the Road in 2023 – Gear Guide – Part 1 – Business Essentials

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which may benefit us in some small insignificant way if you use them. Maybe it’s Nostalgia, but Life on the Road in 2023 Doesn’t Sound So Bad… When I think back to my younger, dumber landman days, the most obvious aspect of life that has changed since then is

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