If you haven’t already checked out the Summer Reading Guide, that’s where you should get started. We’re expanding on that list with our Winter Reading Guide, adding some new suggestions we’ve received, and throwing some new books in the mix.
The Map by Daniel Yergin is the newest release to make it on this list. It’s arguably better to listen to via Audible than to actually read it, because the story can be a bit difficult to follow as it jumps around. What you’ll get out of this book is a detailed breakdown of the rising tensions between the United States, China, and Russia when it comes to energy markets.
Don’t Tell Mom I Work on Rigs is an interesting account of the life offshore rig hands live. Traveling all over the world, into areas that are not safe for regular civilians, bar fights, kidnappings, and all of the other shenanigans that go along with that lifestyle.
Dossier is quite simply, one of the most amazing accounts of how Oxy started. Did you know that Armand Hammer was a Soviet agent? Occidental was set up to funnel Soviet money all over the world. Every chapter will have you saying, “there’s no way this is true…” A must read if you are into Cold War history.
We have the Kindle Oasis e-reader listed on our 2021 Christmas Gift Guide if you haven’t checked that out yet, it’s a great place to get all of the books listed below.