Landman Life

The Value of a Professional Image

Everybody’s Doing It When the Shale Boom started, most landmen were required to join AAPL so brokers could say “all our contractors adhere to the ethical standards set forth by AAPL.” It was a marketing gimick. Then we were all required to have our own LLCs. That was a liability gimick. We’re still doing those

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Landman Life

What’s the Best Hazy IPA? Electric Jellyfish

I don’t remember exactly when it was that I got my first taste of Electric Jellyfish, or EJ as we refer to it these days, but it was one of those perception altering moments where you instantly reevaluate all of your previous beer drinking decisions and know that they were wrong. As part of the

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Landman Life

What’s the Rush? Live Your Life

When I was younger, I didn’t care if it took me 2 hours for a 90 minute drive. Maybe I stopped to get gas and ice down a couple of beers for later, then grabbed a burger at the spot next door. Sometimes I’d roll off the main road and just…explore for awhile. I used

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Landman Life

Being Original and Owning an Idea

A couple of people have sent me a tweet from some guy in Alberta with his “OnlyRigs” logo. This happens a lot, and there’s nothing that I can or will do about it. I think my design was more true to form and looks more legit than his, but he was lazy about it and

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Landman Life

Letting Yourself Down and Overcoming Failure to Find Redemption

I failed. My goal of posting every day in August went to shit over the weekend. We had friends down to the ranch, and…yeah, shit happens. I wasn’t too drunk, the time just seemed to get away from me. I looked at one point Saturday night and it was…already Sunday morning. Oops. Shit. Fuck. Whatever.

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Landman Life

Cigars, Booze, Enjoy the Finer Things in Life

This summer, for no reason other than a reversion to old habits, I’ve started smoking cigars again. That’s led to to getting a new humidor, buying more cigars than I need, and starting to find new spirits to pair with my new hobby. While a fine cigar can be enjoyed with a couple ice cold

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